To me family is the epicenter of EVERYTHING. I was blessed to have been raised in a very loving environment and by the best of parents. I guess that you can say I am a little bit of a melting pot. Born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela with strong ties to Italy from where both my parents are from. I have been in the United States since 1996 hence consider it also my “home.” To make things even more multi-cultural I married an extraordinary Dutchman, Don, with whom I became a mom to Christian (2010) and Emma (2015) both proudly born in the USA.
Maybe because of the fact that my mom is an exemplary housewife, one that embraces her biggest achievements as having had a happy marriage, raised three good human beings and being the best cook you can possibly imagine, or the fact that I was raised in an all-girls catholic school where we learned that “The heart of the family is the woman,” that I truly believe that we have a higher calling when it relates to the well-being of the family. Needless to say, this is something with which I struggle of course because if you have spent enough time exploring this webpage by now you know that my professional life is extremely important to me, and reaching for the stars both personally and professionally undoubtedly brings conflict at one point or the other.
Nevertheless, no matter how hard the struggle… MY FAMILY 'S WELL-BEING WILL ALWAYS BE MY #1 PRIORITY and I base my decisions on that premise.

We always try to find ways to have fun, even in the worst of circumstances. Here is the song we wrote and the music video we taped (100% homemade) during the Coronavirus Pandemic to raise awareness about being #SAFER AT HOME.